Trees: Assets or Liabilities

Trees have the potential to do two things for your property, they can add value or detract value. A well-cared-for tree can add value by improving the home's appearance or by shading part of the home and lowering summer utility bills. However, a tree in poor health or poorly managed can be a growing liability that will have to be dealt with at some point in the future.

Dangerous broken tree over shed being removed with equipment in lower right corner.

Michigan University found that investments in your trees and landscaping brought a 109% return in the property’s value and PNW Research Station found that having a tree in front of the home increased the sales price by an average of $7,130!

“How do I ensure my trees add value to my property?” First, by keeping desirable trees on your property healthy. Second, removing undesirable trees to eliminate the liability they may present. Third, by selecting “the right tree for the right location” anytime you are planting a new tree.

Steps that you can do to keep your trees healthy include: properly spreading mulch around the base of the tree, limiting impact to the root system under the tree’s canopy, and consulting an ISA Certified Arborist for pruning, fertilization, concerns, or when planning a change to the property that might impact the tree.

A tree grows slowly and its health or decline in urban settings will generally be the result of ongoing care or lack thereof. Trees that add the most value to a home will be those that have been protected and cared for over the long term. There’s no time like the present to let us start helping you care for your Tree Assets!


Accidentally Damaging Trees


When To Remove A Tree