Certified Arborists for Charlotte Tree Removal.

When it's time to remove a tree in Charlotte, CoolWood is who you should call.

ISA Certified Arborist Removing a Charlotte Tree

Specializing in Complicated Removals

Tree removals can get pretty technical and dicey. It's easy to think that large, expensive equipment will fix everything. The truth is there is no substitute for an experienced Arborist. CoolWood has some of the most talented and experienced ISA Certified Arborists in the Southeast, and they are able to bring that knowledge to bear on even the most complex tree removals.

Just because their estimate is high doesn't mean they know what they are doing. When a company buys a giant piece of expensive equipment, they shoehorn it into every job because now they have to pay for it. But all that equipment does is drive your cost up. Give CoolWood a call and compare, we bet you'll be surprised at what we can do for a reasonable budget.

ISA Certified Arborist Cleaning After Tree Removal

We leave it better than we found it.

"They took down 3 trees and trimmed 2 others amazingly quick. When they left, work areas were clean as if they had never been there... If there were more than 5 Stars I would have clicked them!!!"

-Bill McDonald.

Eric Stokes

“I would highly recommend to anybody looking for tree work to use CoolWood Urban Forestry! Top notch!!”

Mary Schneider

“I will definitely be using CoolWood for all future tree care and highly recommend them!”