Affordable Tree Pruning by Experienced, Certified Arborists.

Whether you're a homeowner or property manager, we all have to trim our trees.

From historic Willow Oaks to lots lined with Crape Myrtle, CoolWood's Certified Arborists provide a level of responsiveness, efficiency and professionalism found nowhere else in Charlotte.

ISA Certified Arborist Pruning Tree In Charlotte

When the time is right…

Winter is ideal for trimming and pruning trees, as they are dormant and heavier pruning has less of an impact on the vibrancy of the tree. At CoolWood, we use this analogy: trees in winter are as if they are under anesthesia. This is the time for surgery.

An added benefit is the absence of leaves make it much easier to see and understand tree structure. An experienced tree care expert like the ISA Certified Arborists at CoolWood can make quick work of large pruning jobs. Our Arborists often advise against heavy pruning during spring and summer months anyway, due to the potential impact on tree health.

ISA Certified Arborist Pruning Legacy Tree In Charlotte NC

Tree Care Experts for Historic Trees.

Regular pruning schedules for large trees can help preserve their legacy and increase their lifespan and vibrancy. Charlotte is home to countless giant Willow Oak trees, which take longer than other species to heal from pruning. Maintaining a schedule (often every 3 years or so) for pruning keeps these legacy landmarks vibrant and healthy for generations.

Contact CoolWood Urban Forestry today to make sure the historic trees in your care get the attention they deserve.